连云港的天气- -谁来介绍下 还有好玩的地方
一、连云港的天气- -谁来介绍下 还有好玩的地方
海滨浴场 (夏天必去)
连岛旅游度假区 (推荐!夏天必去)
渔湾自然风景区 (推荐!景色怡人,也是夏天好去处)
高公岛风景游览区 (有点远,有点费事,不过那里的大海是蓝色的)
连云港港口 (不算景点)
花果山风景区 (推荐,储备好体力再去)
东磊风景区 (除了一棵大树其他的也没什么)
黄窝风景区 (推荐,那里人稍微少一点,可以很惬意)
拦海大堤 (去海边会路过那里,那是可以从宇宙中看到的地球建筑物之一哦)
青年公园 (游乐设施不错,可是冬天玩的话太冷)
东海温泉 (准备好钱随时可以去)
宿城风景区 (熟悉的人带去非常好玩!)
孔望山 (随意健身之小山)
桃花涧 (春天必去)
连云港素有“东海第一胜境”之称,国家4A级旅游区有:花果山景区、连岛旅游度假区。还有延福观、锦屏山 、高公岛风景游览区等。
介绍连云港渔湾风景区 The fishing bay is located the YunTai Shannan foothill, is the fruitand flowers mountain important constituent. In scenic area naturalscenery unusual exquisite, the mountain stream canyon profound isunique, scenic spot and so on Long Chuang which the four seasons flythe waterfall not certainly, which specially in the fable threedragons plays with water old Longtan, two Longtan, three Longtan aswell as the Dragon King three crown princes sleep, to like enters thefairyland for the person the feeling. Old Longtan waterfall droppingvariance more than 40 rice, tourist to this at arm's length. Thewaterfall rumbling numerously flows swiftly, flies the bead to splashthe jade. The halfway up the mountainside Tibet natural tunnel is ShuiLiandong which is worthy of the name, the diverse strange stonesurrounds the portal, the hole saliva curtain hangs upside down,Tungting lake may accommodate 20 people. In approaches Dongkou viewrainbow on to look out into the distance, but also obviously arrivesthe old Longtan waterfall refraction the giant rainbow, the sceneryextremely magnificent sight. ......... 已问导师,绝对正确,望采纳