主页 > 特产推荐 > 潮汕地区 美食风景 英文 介绍 pre讲稿

潮汕地区 美食风景 英文 介绍 pre讲稿

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一、潮汕地区 美食风景 英文 介绍 pre讲稿

In Shantou travel, food must not miss, because the food is a unique scenery line. Shantou high quality and inexpensive, there are a large number of excellent chefs, all over the world have more Chaoshan food restaurant, but the price is high, in Shantou can enjoy high quality and inexpensive authentic Chaoshan food. Coarse fine to do tide Shan snack economic benefits, have love, new dry beef balls and other seven Chinese snack varieties and Chaoshan drop soup money three Guangdong snack varieties. Each year Shantou city holds various forms of food festivals, including the eastern region 's largest Chaoshan food festival has organized the eight, opened a special Shantou food characteristic tourism line. Shantou is located in Chaoshan region of popular Chaozhou cuisine, Guangdong cuisine it is one of the three.


上述均不是汕尾特产,汕尾没那些玩意。汕尾的特产主要有以下几种:1.海城猪油糖。 是家喻户晓的零食。海联出产的猪油糖最受推崇。2.汕尾马鲛丸。 以汕尾海鲜马鲛丸为原料制成,有白丸、肉丸、香丸三大类。3.汕尾鱼干。 汕尾市区掇鸟街是专门销售汕尾海产品加工品的地方,有鱿鱼干、海马酒等汕尾特产。4.汕尾海鲜。 汕尾是全国四大渔场,汕尾海鲜品种多、质量优。鲘门、汕尾市区、遮浪等诸多地方均有大量的海鲜大排档。定能让你胃口大开。5.农产品土特产。 黄羌虎噉金针菜,陆河青梅、腐竹,梅陇米酒,等等。


Three treasure products of Guilin:Guilin Fine Rice Wine,Soya Chili Souse and Fermented Beancurd. 桂林三宝:三花酒、辣椒酱、豆腐乳。 Water chestnuts 马蹄 Lipu Taros 荔蒲芋头 Osmanthus tea 桂花茶 Persimmon 柿饼 Red chestnut 板栗